Top Keto Tips for Beginners in 2020

Here is our Top list of Keto Tips for Beginners in 2020

  1. Keto Macros: 75% Fats / 20% Proteins / 5% Carbohydrates. Download the MyFitnessPal app onto your mobile. It’s free and easy to track your daily macros. 
  2. Keto is not just about weight loss; rather it’s about fat adapting first; then you can burn fat and monitor the results. If you’re pre-diabetic or have type 2 diabetes, this is the diet for you.
  3. Eat when you’re hungry. Don’t eat when you’re not hungry. If you’re stressed or upset, try not to emotional eat. Instead go for a walk or go to the gym. 
  4. Try to go to the gym and get in 3 days a week to start. Start with a bit of cardio and some light weights. 
  5. Take your electrolytes. You can make your own electrolytes. Check out how to make it: Keto electrolytes
  6. Drink lots of water.
  7. Slowly weed out processed foods. Less chemicals, more in the wild stuff like grassfed and grassfinished meats and fats, more vegetables and soups. 
  8. Seeds are ok like flax seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds. Nuts are ok like almonds, walnuts, or macadamian nuts. Macadamia nuts have higher fats so we recommend trying these.
  9. Healthy fats from meats, salmon, avocados, nuts, fats or cooking oils like coconut oil or olive oil. Cooking with tallow, grassfed butter like Kerry Gold butter,or ghee/clarified butter are great too. 
  10. Eating eggs helps get your fat and protein in.
  11. Drinking bone broth helps get in your protein and gives you collagen for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Try to get the organic brands or make your own! I make mine in an instapot, add my meat of choice, bones, fat, onion, garlic, tumeric, peppercorns, ACV (apple cider vinegar), carrots, radish, celery, and water.
  12. If you need sugar, opt for stevia sweetener to start. Monk fruit and Allulose are fine as well. 
  13. Diet soft drinks are ok. Try to have once a week, not every day. La Croix is a great choice for sparkling water and I drink Coke Zero on my cheat days. Yes, I do have a cheat day on a weekend and it helps me keep from cravings during the week of my dieting. Enjoy, it’s a journey and lifestyle, not just a diet.