
Ketobeastbeauty was the name I thought of on Instagram when I first started this journey and it just grew on me. You can beast in your life, in your short or long term goals, and you can be a beauty inside and out. You can have that strength that motivates and drives you daily and have that sensitive, soft side and it’s okay because it’s all you. 💖 Thanks for dropping by.

I started low carb in 2017 after being diagnosed with prediabetes and high blood pressure. On top of that I’ve struggled all my life with allergies and eczema since I was a child. Yeah, not fun. Going low carb changed my life. My body is sensitive to a lot of dairy so going dairy free and sugar free was the way to go for me. I’m all for the sugar free movement! 😍

I love to cook, bake, and come up with new recipes on the fly. As a Filipina born in Canada, now living in the US, I’ve learned to be open minded and try different types of cuisine, from my mom’s Filipino home cooking to Canadian, American, and International cuisine. I want to also encourage the Filipino community to go low carb as well; as there are a high number of diabetes, hypertension, and high blood pressure statistics researched at the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health and from the American Diabetes Association.

Unfortunately, it too runs in my family. As a child eating fried chicken, rice, noodles, sugary desserts, and having large Filipino gatherings with lots of carbohydrates was the norm for me. I’m not blaming my family at all. I have only myself to blame for letting myself go and not taking care of me.

At the end of the day, consistency is key. Watching my daily macros according to my weight, incorporating higher healthy fats and proteins and lowering my carbs helped me. I’m not saying eating high carb and low fat is bad. If it works for you, then all power to you. You do you. This is what works for me. I always felt so bloated after eating a lot of carbs. I knew that something was wrong when it was happening every day.

Substituting carbs for healthy fats and protein was difficult in the beginning but I knew I was doing it for my health. I learned to incorporate healthy meats, grassfed and grassfinished when I can, into my daily meals and healthy fats like avocados, coconut oil and tallow, cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli, and healthy nuts & seeds in replacement of carbs. It’s been something I’ve been very passionate about and continue to enjoy today. It makes me creative on what recipes to make next. There’s always a new keto product out there daily!

This website was developed to encourage and motivate anyone in the Low Carb, Keto, and Paleo community. I’m a brand ambassador and social media influencer for keto and low carb products and services. My background is in IT and Digital Marketing. I will be giving out a ton of coupon codes on my website for you to enjoy!

I will be actively posting dairy free, gluten free, and sugar free recipes for everyone to enjoy. Some will have a Filipino twist to recipes which I am very proud of and I hope you will give it try! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you can take something from this site that will help you.

Want to see more of my journey online? Follow me on IG at @ketobeastbeauty where I post my daily food & exercise journal, share recipes & photos, and give my honest review and opinions of current Keto & Low Carb products. Also, check out the link below for exciting coupon codes if you want to save on Keto and Low Carb products! 😎 linktr.ee/ketobeastbeauty
Perfect Keto  MCT single packets
Use Coupon Code ketobeastbeauty20 for 20% off individual products