How To Buy Your Veggies – Fresh or Frozen?

This post may be a no brainer but most people buy their vegetables and fruits fresh. Once vegetables are harvested, they immediately start to lose nutrients and antioxidants. Have you ever thought of buying most of these frozen instead?

According to Wikipedia, “in physics and chemistry, flash freezing is the process whereby objects are frozen in just a few hours by subjecting them to cryogenic temperatures, or through direct contact with liquid nitrogen at −196 °C. It is commonly used in the food industry.”

By buying your vegetables and fruits frozen, in smaller bags, the nutrients are sealed immediately once frozen and there is no change to the carbohydrate, protein or fat content. That being said, you’re keeping all the vitamins and minerals for yourself, which is what your body needs. I recommend smaller bags, so you can prevent freezer burn.

You can also flash freeze your berries the second you get home if you decide to have a bowl of fresh berries first and then want to freeze the rest. Clean them first, then lay them out on a tray, and then place them in the freezer. Once your berries are frozen, place them in a freezer bag.

Another thing to note, even canned foods preserve all the nutrients as well. Try to buy organic when you can.

These tips I found from Thomas DeLauer. I subscribe to him on YouTube. I highly recommend his advice and tips on Keto/Low Carb.